Brisbane Multiple Birth Assoc (Southside) Inc
powered by TidyHQ
Brisbane Multiple Birth Association (Southside) Inc is run solely by volunteer parents of multiples who feel the need to support other multiple families with bringing up their multiples. Expectant parents are especially welcomed to make contact and are encouraged to use all of the club’s services during pregnancy and after birth; most members find having a support network really helps a lot when your little bundles finally arrive. Our organisation’s aims are to
- Disseminate information in relation to the care and upbringing of multiple birth children and about multiple births generally.
- Increase public awareness of the individuality of multiple birth children.
- Provide a general forum for members of the association.
- Co-operate with and participate actively in research projects at local, national and international levels, into all aspects of multiple birth children and multiple births.
- In pursuit of its objectives, the association shall be conducted as a non-profit organisation, and shall refrain from sectarian and political activity of any kind.
Our Organisation provides support, information and guidance to parents of multiple birth children.
Club membership includes:
- Advice and support for multiple birth families
- Social Events and Parties
- Playgroups
- Expectant Parent Information Nights
- Multiplicity newsletter
- Breastfeeding and bottle feeding help and advice
- Phone support network- home visits on request and hospital visits when able
- Support for special needs families, sole parents and bereaved families
- Automatic membership with the Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA) and insurance cover to attend any club functions
- And much more…..
If you have any questions about joining our organisation or further information about anything you have seen here, please feel free to contact us at membership@bmbasouthside.org.au